What should I expect before surgery?

Before surgery, you will meet with several health care providers, such as a dietitian, a psychiatrist or psychologist, an internist, and a bariatric surgeon.

  • The doctor will ask about your medical history, do a thorough physical exam, and order blood tests. If you are a smoker, he or she will likely ask you to stop smoking at least 6 weeks before your surgery.
  • The surgeon will tell you more about the surgery, including how to prepare for it and what type of follow-up you will need.
  • The dietitian will explain what and how much you will be able to eat and drink after surgery and help you to prepare for how your life will change after surgery.
  • The psychiatrist or psychologist may do an assessment to see if bariatric surgery is an option for you.

These health care providers also will advise you to become more active and adopt a healthy eating plan before and after surgery. In some cases, losing weight and bringing your blood sugar levels closer to normal before surgery may lower your chances of having surgery-related problems.

Some bariatric surgery programs have groups you can attend before and after surgery that can help answer questions about the surgery and offer support.


Source  https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/weight-management/bariatric-surgery/types