Laparoscopic Gallbladder Removal

Laparoscopic gallbladder removal is surgery to remove the gallbladder using a medical device called a laparoscope.

What to Expect:

Surgery using a laparoscope is the most common way to remove the gallbladder. A laparoscope is a thin, lighted tube that lets the doctor see inside your belly.

Gallbladder removal surgery is done while you are under general anesthesia so you will be asleep and pain-free. To perform the surgery:

The operation is done the following way:

  • The surgeon makes 3 to 4 small cuts in your belly.
  • The laparoscope is inserted through one of the cuts.
  • Other medical instruments are inserted through the other cuts.
  • Gas is pumped into your belly to expand the space. This gives the surgeon more room to see and work.

The gallbladder is then removed using the laparoscope and other instruments.

An x-ray called a cholangiogram may be done during your surgery.

  • To do this test, dye is injected into your common bile duct and an x-ray picture is taken. The dye helps find stones that may be outside your gallbladder.
  • If other stones are found, the surgeon may remove them with a special instrument.

Sometimes the surgeon cannot safely take out the gallbladder using a laparoscope. In this case, the surgeon will use open surgery, in which a larger cut is made.

